This church-based childcare ministry, which is highly regarded by the surrounding community, started over fifteen years ago in Machava, and is focused on orphans and vulnerable children. The project is involved with over 200 children from grade one through to university level. Funds are used to support children in local schools and help is given to purchase school uniforms, school bags and so on. Children with HIV receive extra help with food supplements. Every two months the leaders meet with the guardians of the children, working together with them on the children’s development. The programme has reached the stage where children are now finding work at the end of their schooling and are volunteering as programme leaders.
A Foundations for Farming programme is being piloted with a view to developing greater financial independence.
Following a church plant, they discovered that there were many people in that community who were very poor, very sick and very lost. They began a group to go into the community to visit and assist people in their homes. They were shocked by what they found, people left dying in their homes uncared for, child/orphan led households with absolutely no resources, many orphans and many children not going to school for a host of reasons.
The founders have developed a ministry that has impacted many and the emerging generation of leaders is committed to continuing their work.